… Elisa, passionate for her job, spent a few years between Spain and Italy, until she decided in September 2010 that London could offer something more. Gary from Belfast, the north of Ireland, had been brought there already.
Neither of them thought about going out on that night of the 2nd of January 2011 because the New Year had just started. In the end, she met her friend Kim and his group, whilst he decided that a beer with his friend Paddy at the Porterhouse in Covent Garden was a possibility. How Kim knew Paddy, we will leave to one’s imagination! That night, Gary asked Elisa’s number and promised to call her. The rest is history!
On the 11th of July 2015, they start a new chapter of their life together.
LOCATION: San Pietro di Feletto and near Gaiarine (TV) Italy
PHOTOGRAPHER: Renato Zanette